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The player begins in Tristram, here the player finds several NPCs amongst whom is Ogden the Tavern Owner who introduces the player to the main storyline with the following dialog:

"Thank goodness you've returned! Much has changed since you lived here, my friend. All was peaceful until the dark riders came and destroyed our village. Many were cut down where they stood, and those who took up arms were slain or dragged away to become slaves - or worse. The church at the edge of town has been desecrated and is being used for dark rituals. The screams that echo in the night are inhuman, but some of our townsfolk may yet survive. Follow the path that lies between my tavern and the blacksmith shop to find the church and save who you can."

After this the player will make his or her way towards the Cathedral where he will find the Wounded townsman (if the Butcher quest is available). Speaking with this NPC initiates the first quest, in which the players has to slay The Butcher. The wounded townsman has the following dialog:

"Please, listen to me. The Archbishop Lazarus, he led us down here to find the lost prince. The bastard led us into a trap! Now everyone is dead... Killed by a demon he called the Butcher. Avenge us! Find this Butcher and slay him so that our souls may finally rest..."

Cathedral Architecture

Typical Cathedral-style Architecture

The Cathedral

The Cathedral-style covers the first 4 levels of the Tristram Cathedral. This style features grey stone walls, mostly decorated with arches and the floor is made up of brown stones. Throughout these levels a lot of sarcophagi can be found, containing either treasure or hidden monsters. These levels contain numerous shrines and libraries where players can learn new spells.

Catacombs Architecture

Typical Catacomb-style Architecture

The Catacombs

The Catacombs have a somewhat similar style to the Cathedral, though it seems more ancient and the atmosphere is already a lot darker. The Catacombs span from Level 5 to Level 8. There are still shrines and libraries, although fewer. Goat Shrines also appear, producing random effects when used.

Caves Architecture

Typical Cave-style Architecture

The Caves

The design of the caves is clearly not man-made like the Cathedral and Catacombs. It features open areas cut from rock through which streams of lava flow. The player is usually exposed to enemy fire from many sides. Some monsters are cabable of opening doors. There are no shrines. It features levels 9 to 12:


Typical Hell-style Architecture


These levels feature larger open areas and hordes of the game's toughest monsters. Cauldrons can be encountered here - they produce a random shrine effect when used. This region is inhabited by the toughest monsters, but it also offers the best odds for finding good magic or unique items.
