Diablo Wiki
Lashing Tail Kick
Lashing Tail Kick

Class: Monk
Required Level: 2
Skill Category: Secondary
Cost: 50 Spirit

Unleash a deadly roundhouse kick that deals 755% damage as Physical.

Damage Type: Physical

Lashing Tail Kick is a Secondary Monk skill, resembling the classic Assassin skill Dragon Tail.


The Monk blasts the air itself with a mighty kick, hitting a 180 degree wide, 16 yard long cone in front of themselves.

Skill Runes

  • Vulture Claw Kick: damage type changes to Fire, hits all enemies within 16 yards of the Monk, affected enemies suffer additional 230% damage as Fire over 3 seconds (unlocked at level 7).
  • Sweeping Armada: damage increases to 825%, hits all enemies within 15 yards of the Monk (unlocked at level 15).
  • Spinning Flame Kick: instead of hitting a cone, releases an 8 yard radius pillar of fire that pierces through enemies, traveling forward 50 yards and causing 755% damage as Fire to each enemy it touches (unlocked at level 28).
  • Scorpion Sting: damage type changes to Lightning, affected enemies are also stunned for 1.5 seconds (unlocked at level 38).
  • Hand of Ytar: instead of hitting a cone, calls down a strike anywhere within 40 yards. The strike causes 755% damage as Cold within 10 yards radius and Chills the affected enemies by 80% for 3 seconds. The strike can be summoned over most obstacles (unlocked at level 52).

Non-rune enhancements

  • Gyana Na Kashu (Legendary Spirit Stone): Lashing Tail Kick deals +75-100% more damage, and launches a piercing fireball when cast. The fireball deals 525-700% damage as Fire to enemies it pierces through and in the end explodes for full damage within 10 yards.
  • Rivera Dancers (Legendary Boots): Lashing Tail Kick attacks 50% faster and deals 250-300% more damage.
  • Monkey King's Garb Set (Set Bonus for 6 items): on each cast, consumes a stack of Sweeping Wind to deal 3000% increased damage.


This section contains facts and trivia relevant to this article.
  • In Russian version of the game, this skill's name was initially translated as "Удар ногой с разворота" (literally "Spinning Roundhouse Kick"), a reference to Chuck Norris. The skill was later renamed to "Хвост дракона" ("Dragon Tail"), after the Diablo II skill.

Primary Skills
Fists of ThunderDeadly ReachCrippling WaveWay of the Hundred Fists
Secondary Skills
Lashing Tail KickTempest RushWave of Light
Defensive Skills
Blinding FlashBreath of HeavenSerenityInner Sanctuary
Dashing StrikeExploding PalmSweeping Wind
Cyclone StrikeSeven-Sided StrikeMystic AllyEpiphany
Mantra of SalvationMantra of RetributionMantra of HealingMantra of Conviction
Passive Skills
ResolveFleet FootedExalted SoulTranscendenceChant of ResonanceSeize the Initiative
The Guardian's PathSixth SenseDeterminationRelentless AssaultBeacon of YtarAlacrity
HarmonyCombination StrikeNear Death ExperienceUnityMomentumMythic Rhythm
Guiding LightMantra of EvasionOne with EverythingPacificismProvocation
Impenetrable DefenseRadiant Visage
