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Pacifism Pacificism
While the Monk is under a Stun, Fear, Immobilize or Charm effect, all damage taken is reduced by 75%.

Ascetic practices require initiates to go without food, water and sleep for months at a time. Those who survive emerge unmoved by the petty distractions of the physical world.

Pacificism was a Monk passive skill, unlocked at level 30. As of Patch 2.0, it was replaced with Provocation.

Primary Skills
Fists of ThunderDeadly ReachCrippling WaveWay of the Hundred Fists
Secondary Skills
Lashing Tail KickTempest RushWave of Light
Defensive Skills
Blinding FlashBreath of HeavenSerenityInner Sanctuary
Dashing StrikeExploding PalmSweeping Wind
Cyclone StrikeSeven-Sided StrikeMystic AllyEpiphany
Mantra of SalvationMantra of RetributionMantra of HealingMantra of Conviction
Passive Skills
ResolveFleet FootedExalted SoulTranscendenceChant of ResonanceSeize the Initiative
The Guardian's PathSixth SenseDeterminationRelentless AssaultBeacon of YtarAlacrity
HarmonyCombination StrikeNear Death ExperienceUnityMomentumMythic Rhythm
Guiding LightMantra of EvasionOne with EverythingPacificismProvocation
Impenetrable DefenseRadiant Visage
